And now, he boldly expresses that God has actually answered that prayer. According to a close friend of his, this brand new ride was shipped in two weeks ago, however Ringtone had maintained a low profile about the evident presence of this brand new posh ride on the Kenyan soil.
When we caught up with Ringtone as soon as he left Uganda for Kenya and he remarked, "Well, I said I was taking a fast to get a new car and I trust I will be giving a testimony soon as my God answers prayers. I serve the living God,""Since you can't argue with results I decided not to answer back when my friend Jaguar wondered how I could afford a Range Rover through fasting. However, I truly understand him as some things are just personal. This is between me and God,"
“I don’t want to be seen as if am flossing, the vehicle is one of my own. I will tell you later about the number plate.” Ringtone added.
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